With the high carbon footprint generated by construction projects, there has been an increasing need for greener buildings that use conscious technologies to reduce this massive carbon footprint. LEED certification system was developed to rank and score construction projects, this certification focuses on green building design and construction practices i.e., sustainable site planning, safeguarding water and water efficiency, energy efficiency, conservation of materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality.
Post tension in construction is characterized by thinner structural members compared to conventional reinforcement, thereby significantly reducing the volume of concrete on the structure. As cement is the source of about 8% of the world’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, a reduction in the volume of concrete in buildings will in effect reduce its carbon footprint.
Post tension also reduces the quantity of steel reinforcement in the building as it utilizes higher tension reinforcement of 1800N/mm2 compared to conventional reinforcement of 460N/mm2. The steel production industry is responsible for 7–9% of global greenhouse gas emissions, therefore it benefits to reduce the steel quantity on a structure.
Post tension allows for the use of flat slabs without down-stand beams, in effect reducing the building height and weight and further reducing the cladding costs. This reduces the overall quantity of material resources utilized in a construction project.
The use of Post tension technology in construction offers potential LEED credits for green building through sustainable design, construction, and operations, LEED can help new and existing buildings to reduce carbon emissions, energy, and waste, conserve water, prioritize safer materials, and lower our exposure to toxins. A LEED-certified building will be more energy efficient, have a higher resale value, and reduce the impact on the environment.