Moi International Airport

Airside Pavements at Moi International Airport, Mombasa, Kenya – Construction of New Apron slab and Repair / Rehabilitation of existing Apron Slabs (2020)

Somers Engineering Ltd. was tasked with repairing and rehabilitating apron slabs with a total area of 41,808 square meters, which had experienced 70% deterioration over 30 years. The repair work involved a comprehensive approach, including full-depth repairs with complete and partial slab replacements, partial-depth repairs of 50 mm, and the sealing of cracks with epoxy. Additionally, Somers was responsible for laying a new 18,218 square meter PCC slab, which included setting up side formwork, installing dowels, and performing concrete placement, vibration, leveling, and troweling. The scope also covered the installation of contraction, construction, and expansion joints to ensure the durability and functionality of the new slab.

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